Artificial Intelligence has long captured the imaginations of pop culture auteurs. And so much of what was first imagined in books, movies and television has come to pass that we can be forgiven our dystopian fears.
But truly, robots are not coming to take our jobs. In fact, the artificial intelligence that is already expanding our economy is doing so because it eliminates the dull, dirty and dangerous work that people aren’t that great at anyway. AI takes dictation, makes appointments, calculates the most efficient delivery routes, all tasks that leave humans time for crucial interpersonal and creative work.
Think of it this way. Artificial Intelligence is less Rosie from the Jetsons, and more your personal Roomba.
That’s because artificial intelligence as it has been imagined in science fiction so far is what computer scientists call general intelligence—machines capable of human like intelligence including complex problem solving, socio-emotional engagement and creativity. Artificial general intelligence is, as of now, hypothetical.